June 13th 2020 - Amidst Social Unrest and a Global Pandemic - Parents Soldier On


    I will start off this blog entry by stating first and foremost that we at After August Co stand beside good people of all creeds, backgrounds, and nationalities so long as they have love and peace in their hearts. We feel that it is necessary in this vital time in our global history to stand together against injustices of all kinds. As small business owners and parents we must continue to care for our family; we must carry on and provide for those who depend upon us. This does not mean that we will remain silent or complacent to the injustices of global oppression, and we will do what we can to spread love and acceptance in our local community and abroad. 

    These are unprecedented times. At an age of advanced technology and global social awareness, our society has taken a turn towards the tumultuous. Now in the face of global pandemic we have chosen to stand apart and weaken our capabilities to create a stronger more unified future. Instead, as in the alien invasion movies of old, we must unite against a common enemy - one that is not of our flesh and blood - to arise stronger and with a renewed purpose. 

    Our flesh and blood is just that - a characteristic of sentient creatures, who in this case are capable of enormous good. The color of our skin or the origin of our names are not things which COVID-19 chooses to take into consideration upon infecting our physical bodies. We the people must remember this as we take our eyes off of the virus and onto another plague in our culture in racism. 

    We have the chance to be a greater global society through these hardships, and we must not falter or allow our human foundations to crumble under the pressure. Instead the time is now to enact true and real social change. We must do so effectively and without hesitation because lurking in the open there lies an enemy poised to destroy us all regardless of our current differences. There are many who do not consider this pandemic, or COVID-19 as a true and real threat. There are even more who understand its dangers and choose to remain ignorant in their behaviors still. Just because a person is not sick now, or has not lost someone to this outbreak does not mean that the possibility doesn't exist. We do not know what the future holds for our society facing COVID-19 and we must improve across the board in order to survive. 

    The same holds true for social injustices. Our future is uncertain and the tides that are currently holding may very well be turned the next time the smoke starts to rise. Who will be the force and the voice for change that will lead us into the next phase of our cultural development? I pray that it does not have to be another victim. If we do not stand together and demand justice and change commensurate to the chaos which has begun, the next victim could be anyone. Let us work together so that the future agents for change will not reside in caskets. 

James Hanway of After August Co 

That having been said, here are some pictures of projects we have recently completed! 



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