June 13th 2020 - Amidst Social Unrest and a Global Pandemic - Parents Soldier On
06.13.2020 I will start off this blog entry by stating first and foremost that we at After August Co stand beside good people of all creeds, backgrounds, and nationalities so long as they have love and peace in their hearts. We feel that it is necessary in this vital time in our global history to stand together against injustices of all kinds. As small business owners and parents we must continue to care for our family; we must carry on and provide for those who depend upon us. This does not mean that we will remain silent or complacent to the injustices of global oppression, and we will do what we can to spread love and acceptance in our local community and abroad. These are unprecedented times. At an age of advanced technology and global social awareness, our society has taken a turn towards the tumultuous. Now in the face of global pandemic we have chosen to stand apart and weaken our capabilities to create a stronger more unified future....
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